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    Towns is an expanded collection of images that's part of my ‘Hello Babies.. Welcome to Earth!’ project. These images span a couple of years, some revisiting the same location or taken with-in a few moments but most just explore the landscape.

Hello Babies.. Welcome to Earth!’ is an exploration of landscape using the concept of The Goldilocks Zone, it’s a name that scientists have given areas in space with the right mixture to support life. On Earth, humans have been coexisting, creating civilizations, adapting to the times, declaring ownership and war on that small amount of land for the estimated 300,000 years. During that short time, we have changed not just as a species, but also altered the landscape from its natural topography to this unique mixture of human and nature. This collection of images from various small towns exhibit the records of humans coexisting with-in that landscape or their own chosen Goldilocks Zone. Adjusting the shutter speed according to my light metering, then with a finger press; the shutter closes and time slows down to seconds etching that moment's existence onto film.

Please see the original body of work by clicking ‘Hello Babies.. Welcome to Earth!’ and after viewing please come back and see this expanded body of work. Below are the links to the towns I’ve explored and documented onto 35mm film. 

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